Fantasy Races Wiki
Dark troll
Dark troll
Alignment Neutral good
Classes Berserker, Trapper, High priest, Shadow priest, Warlord, Barbarian, Shaman
Homeland Mount Hyjal
Leader(s) Various chieftains
Homeworld Azeroth
Classification Natural humanoid
Languages Troll

Dark trolls are a race of tall trolls that inhabit dark and underground regions. They appear in the "World of Warcraft" series.


There is currently no evidence or proof if the dark trolls have ever formed a nation or any civilization. Their numbers are so low, yet it seems they are from one single troll tribe.

Third War[]

When Grom Hellscream first arrived in the night elven forests of Ashenvale, he found a destroyed dark troll settlement. Later, dark troll settlements were destroyed by Tyrande Whisperwind, leader of the night elves and Malfurion Stormrage, a famous night elf druid and they destroyed their army during thier search for the Druids of the Talon. A tribe/clan of Dark trolls joined the night elves named the Shadowtooth Clan during the Battle for Mount Hyjal.

Post-Third War[]

When the Twilight's Hammer invaded Mount Hyjal, the dark trolls' status became unknown. They are not mentioned by anybody in that region or even the Twilight's Hammer cult itself. It is possible they were killed off or went deeper underground into hiding. After Mount Hyjal is restored by the Ancient Guardians and various druid organizations, the dark trolls remain unseen and unmentioned.


Dark trolls are usually a subterranean troll race, only coming up to the surface at nighttime to hunt. They have tribal structure in which physical power and cunning are held in great esteem. Tribal shamans of spiritual guidance and divine magic when reasonable. This is similar-but far more primitive-in social structure the jungle troll race, the most civilized of trollkind. Though dark troll culture is similar to their forest troll cousins they are much more violent. It has been speculated that dark trolls have less intelligence then the other troll species. They have recently befriended blood elves and have also become allies with the goblins due to their similar hobbies of stealing from pirates.
